
Hydrophilic Catheters

106 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 106 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 106 products
Speedicath Hydrophilic Intermittent Catheter, Female, 12Fr, 8InColoplast
Gentlecath Male, 18Fr, Pvc, Coude TipConvatecGentlecath Male, 18Fr, Pvc, Coude TipConvatec
ConvatecSQU 501016
Gentlecath Male, 18Fr, Pvc, Coude Tip
Sale price$99.92 CAD
Gentlecath Male, 16Fr, Pvc, Straight TipConvatec
ConvatecSQU 501005
Gentlecath Male, 16Fr, Pvc, Straight Tip
Sale price$58.98 CAD
Flocath Hydrophilic Coated 12FrRusch Teleflex
Rusch TeleflexRUS 220800120
Flocath Hydrophilic Coated 12Fr
Sale price$53.11 CAD
Infyna Chic Hydrophilic Intermittent Catheter, 14Fr, 6"Hollister
Cure Intermittent 16" Coude Tip Hydrophilic 14FrCure Medical
Speedicath Hydrophilic Intermittent Catheter, Male Nelaton, 10Fr, 16InColoplast
Magic3 Go 16" Male Hydrophilic Intermittent Catheter 16FrBard
Magic3 Go 16" Male Hydrophilic Intermittent Catheter 10FrBard
Lofric Primo Male Hydrophilic Catheter, 16Fr, 16In, Bx30Wellspect Healthcare
Gentlecath Female, 10Fr, Pvc, Straight TipConvatec
Gentlecath Female, 8Fr, Pvc, Straight TipConvatec
ConvatecSQU 501019
Gentlecath Female, 8Fr, Pvc, Straight Tip
Sale price$58.98 CAD
Gentlecath Male, 16Fr, Pvc, Coude TipConvatec
ConvatecSQU 501015
Gentlecath Male, 16Fr, Pvc, Coude Tip
Sale price$99.92 CAD
Gentlecath Male, 14Fr, Pvc, Coude TipConvatec
ConvatecSQU 501014
Gentlecath Male, 14Fr, Pvc, Coude Tip
Sale price$99.92 CAD
Gentlecath Male, 8Fr, Pvc, Coude TipConvatec
ConvatecSQU 501011
Gentlecath Male, 8Fr, Pvc, Coude Tip
Sale price$99.92 CAD
Gentlecath Male, 18Fr, Pvc, Straight TipConvatec
ConvatecSQU 501006
Gentlecath Male, 18Fr, Pvc, Straight Tip
Sale price$58.98 CAD
Gentlecath Male, 10Fr, Pvc, Straight TipConvatec
ConvatecSQU 501002
Gentlecath Male, 10Fr, Pvc, Straight Tip
Sale price$58.98 CAD
Vapro Touch Free F-Style Hydrophilic Intermittent Catheters 12frHollisterVapro Touch Free F-Style Hydrophilic Intermittent Catheters 12frHollister

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